Training for soil revegetation
A Research Training School (EFR) on the theme of health in a mining socio-ecosystem in Côte d’Ivoire was held from October 28 to November 2, 2024. The school was co-organized […]
Géosciences Environnement Toulouse (GET)
Mixed Research Unit
UMR 5563 CNRS / UR 234 IRD / UM 97 UPS / CNES
Géosciences Environment Toulouse (GET) is a multidisciplinary research laboratory in Earth and Environmental Sciences affiliated to the Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées (OSU OMP). The unit currently comprises 226 people, including 156 permanent staff and over 70 doctoral students and researchers on fixed-term contracts. GET is located at the Toulouse Rangueil Scientific Complex, which includes the University of Toulouse 3, the Midi-Pyrénées Observatory, National Research Organizations (including CNES, ONERA, CNRS Regional Delegation, etc.), national higher education institutions (including SUPAREO, ENAC, etc.), and numerous Joint Research Units. GET is also affiliated with the ISIFoR Carnot Institute (Sustainable Engineering of Geo-resources).
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We are carrying out multidisciplinary research to understand the inner Earth, its continental surfaces and interfaces, and its environment. Our scientific goals aim to improve knowledge on the Earth Evolution and Dynamics, the modern and past Environments & Climates, the Environment-Society Interactions, and development and provision of Observations, Data & Models for Geological and Environmental Sciences.
One of GET’s strengths is its ability to implement a multidisciplinary approach involving numerous disciplines in Earth and Environmental Sciences (geology, geochemistry, geophysics, geodesy, hydrology, pedology), supplemented by geography and sociology approaches. Our research conducted through 7 research teams utilizes complementary skills in spatial and in situ observation, numerical and analog modeling, and laboratory experimentation.
GET is equipped with a significant analytical and instrumental infrastructure distributed among 25 services and platforms grouped into 3 technical poles (Geochemistry and Experimentation, Geophysics and Positioning, Petrology and Mineralogy) and cross-cutting services supporting the research activities conducted by the unit.
A Research Training School (EFR) on the theme of health in a mining socio-ecosystem in Côte d’Ivoire was held from October 28 to November 2, 2024. The school was co-organized […]
The Kickoff Meeting of the INITIATE-DN doctoral network took place on October 31st 2024 at the University of Bergen. The team went over the main organization topics, the PI’s presented […]
Non classé
The first Pyrenees Soil Forum was held on 12, 13 and 14 November in Ax-les-Thermes, Ariège. This event, organised by the university as part of the SOLPYR project (soils of […]
Scientific result
To limit global warming to less than 2°C, it is necessary to radically reduce current greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Scientists should also participate in this effort as part of their […]
The Sustainable Mountain Agroecosystems Research and Training (SMART) station was inaugurated on Tuesday November 19, in the presence of the Vice-Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Dr. Chanthakhone BOUALAPHANE, Her Excellency […]
Scientific result
Hundreds of thousand asteroids frequently collide the Earth. They represent a danger for inhabited areas. Geologists from the GET and the University of Hassan II (Casablanca, Morocco) have explored the […]