RT3 – Geophysics & Space-based Geodesy

The team develops fundamental and applied research in geophysics and geodesy on the internal structure, shape and deformations of the Earth, at different spatial and temporal scales. It is strongly involved in the preparation and exploitation of space missions and in different national and international observation services (RENAG, BGI, IGS, IDS).

Leaders: Lucia SEOANE and Guillaume RAMILLIEN

  • To contribute to improving global models of the gravity field and geodetic reference systems.
  • To characterize the structure and dynamics of the lithosphere and its response to internal and external forcings.
  • To monitor continental water masses and surfaces in response to climatic variations.
  • Pyrénées: Current deformations and their link with seismicity and deep architecture, natural hydrogen (PEPR “Subsoil”).
  • Massif Central : Structure and origin of the Puys chain (ANR MACIV).
  • Andes & Caribbean: Dynamics of volcanism and subduction. Coupling and surface deformation.
  • Drainage basins: Large hydrological cycles, climate change.
  • Processing of spatial measurements in precise positioning GNSS, in gravimetry, in InSAR, and their interpretation.
  • Development of new tomographic imaging methods by waveforms inversion and joint inversions of seismological and gravimetric data.
  • Sub-surface geophysics: seismology, gravimetry, magnetism, magnetotellurics, radar, electrical and electromagnetic methods.

Scientific result

Tsunamis in the Caribbean: A new alter procedure developed by the University

While tsunami warning systems have robust procedures to prevent tsunamis generated by earthquakes, this is not the case when it comes to tsunamis produced by volcanic crises. The eruptions of […]

Scientific result

An AI to locate traces of life on rocks on Earth and on Mars

Improved knowledge about the conditions under which life arose about 3.8 billion years ago and the recognition of the remarkable resilience of extremophilic microorganisms have sparked new interest in the […]
