Scientific result

Tsunamis in the Caribbean: A new alter procedure developed by the University

While tsunami warning systems have robust procedures to prevent tsunamis generated by earthquakes, this is not the case when it comes to tsunamis produced by volcanic crises. The eruptions of […]


The essential sanitation of tropical mountain villages

Tropical mountain villages without sanitation pollute the hydrosystems very heavily. The work of scientists from the Géosciences Environnement Toulouse (GET/OMP) laboratory and their partners in France and Laos, carried out in South-East Asia, […]


Sedimentary phosphates: what do really date?

A better understanding of the temporal dynamics of the establishment of phosphate deposits in Morocco would allow a correct assessment of the potential. In this context, an international multidisciplinary team […]


Discovery of a large reservoir of hydrogen in an underground mine in Alabama

An international scientific team involving researchers from the Institut des sciences de la Terre (ISTerre* – CNRS/IRD/UGA/Univ. Gustave Eiffel/USMB) and GET has just discovered a reservoir of natural hydrogen in […]


IR OZCAR: links between hydrological diversity and critical zone heterogeneity

The critical zone is the most superficial part of our planet where water, rocks, air and life come together to shape our environment. In order to better understand how regional […]

New discoveries reveal the origins of the most powerful current on Earth

The Antarctic Circumpolar Current is the largest ocean current on Earth, connecting the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. This current largely regulates the exchange of heat, moisture, carbon and nutrients […]

Zone-art: the first art-science collaboration in the Zones Ateliers network

“The academic article is not the only format for writing theory. You can theorise with a camera, a paintbrush, a score, etc. (…) a theory cannot be reduced to a […]


Atmospheric mercury: a decade of observations on Amsterdam Island

The recent publication of a data paper by a research team including scientists from CNRS Terre & Univers highlights a unique series of measurements of atmospheric mercury on Amsterdam Island, […]

Mineralogical study reveals secrets of oceanic transform faults

A Franco-Italian team, including the Toulouse Geosciences Environment Laboratory (GET, CNES/CNRS/IRD/UT3), has studied the geological and mineralogical processes that occur at the boundaries of tectonic plates. Their results, which shed […]
