Recent publications
-Ruz Ginouves, J. R., Gerbault, M., Cembrano, J., Iturrieta, P., Leiva, F. S., Novoa, C., & Hassani, R. The interplay of a fault zone and a volcanic reservoir from 3D elasto-plastic models: Rheological conditions for mutual trigger based on a field case from the Andean Southern Volcanic Zone. J. Vol. Geoth. Res., 107317 (2021).
-Louis-Napoléon A., Bonometti T., Gerbault M., Martin R., Models of convection and segregation in heterogeneous partially molten crustal roots with a VOF method – Part I: flow regimes (Louis-Napoleon et al., part I, GJInt, 2021).
– Novoa C., M. Gerbault, D. Remy, J. Cembrano, L.E. Lara, J. Ruz-Ginouves, A. Tassara, J.C. Baez, R. Hassani, S. Bonvalot, R. Contreras-Arratia (2022). The 2011 Cordón Caulle eruption triggered by slip on the Liquiñe-Ofqui fault system, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2022.117386
– Gerbault, M., Fontaine, F. J., Peltier, A., Got, J. L., Hassani, R., Ferrazzini, V., Gailler L., Duputel, Z. (2022). What causes the persistent seismicity below the eastern flank of Piton de la Fournaise (la Réunion Island)? Elasto-plastic models of magma inflation. J. Volcan. Geothermal Res.
– Sáez-Leiva F., D. Hurtado, M. Gerbault, J. Ruz-Ginouves, P. Iturrieta, J. Cembrano (2023). Fluid flow migration, rock stress and deformation due to a crustal fault slip in a geothermal system: A poro-elasto-plastic perspective, Earth and Planetary Science Letters,
-Louis-Napoléon A., Gerbault M., Bonometti T., Vanderhaehge O.? Roland M., Maury N. (2024). Convection and segregation in orogenic with aVOF method, part II : how to form migmatite domes, Geophys. J. Int,
-de Sagazan, C., Retailleau, L., Gerbault, M., Peltier, A., Feuillet, N., Fontaine, F. J., & Crawford, W. C. (2024). Seismicity near Mayotte explained by interacting magma bodies: Insights from numerical modeling. J. Volc. Geoth. Res.,