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Rouby, D., Ye, J., Chardon, D., Loparev, A., Wildman, M. Dall’Asta, M., 2023. Source-to-sink sedimentary budget of
the African Equatorial Atlantic rifted margin. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 24, e2023GC010901. https:// doi.org/10.1029/2023GC010901
Chardon, D., 2023. Landform-regolith patterns of Northwestern Africa: Deciphering Cenozoic surface dynamics of the tropical cratonic geosystem. Earth-Science Reviews 242, 104452. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2023.104452
Rouby, D., Loparev, A., Chardon, D., Bajolet, F., Dall’Asta, M., Paquet, F., Fillon, C., Roig, J.‐Y., and Ye, J., 2023, Sediment routing systems to the Atlantic rifted margin of the Guiana Shield. Geosphere 19, 957–974. https://doi.org/10.1130 /GES02561.1
Bajolet, F., Chardon, D. Rouby, Dall’Asta, Loparev, A. Couëffe, A. Roig, J.-Y., 2022. The sediment routing systems of Northern South America since 250 Ma. Earth-Science Reviews 232, 104139. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2022.104139
Wildman, M., Brown, R., Ye, J., Chardon, D., Rouby, D., Kouamelan, A.N., Dall’Asta, M., 2022. Contrasting thermal evolution of the West African Equatorial and Central Atlantic continental margins. Gondwana Research 111, 249-264. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2022.08.010
Loparev, A., Rouby, D., Chardon, D., Dall’Asta, M., Sapin, F., Bajolet, F., Ye, J., Paquet, F., 2021. Superimposed Rifting at the Junction of the Central and Equatorial Atlantic: Formation of the Passive Margin of the Guiana Shield. Tectonics 40, e2020TC006159. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020tc006159
Lihoreau, F., Sarr, R., Chardon, D., Boisserie, J.R., Lebrun, R., Adnet, S., Martin, J.E., Pallas, L., Sambou, B., Tabuce, R., Thiam, M.M., Hautier, L., 2021. A fossil terrestrial fauna from Tobene (Senegal) provides a unique early Pliocene window in western Africa. Gondwana Research 99, 21-35. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2021.06.013
Sawadogo, B., Bamba, O., Chardon, D., 2020. Landform-regolith mapping in the West African context. Ore Geology Reviews 126, 103782. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2020.103782
Jean, A., Beauvais, A., Chardon, D., Arnaud, N., Jayananda, M., Mathé, P.E., 2020. Weathering history and landscape evolution of Western Ghats (India) from 40Ar/39Ar dating of supergene K–Mn oxides. Journal of the Geological Society 177, 523-536. https://doi.org/10.1144/jgs2019-048
Ye, J., D. Rouby, D. Chardon, M. Dall’asta, F. Guillocheau, C. Robin, J.N. Ferry, 2019. Post-rift stratigraphic architectures along the African margin of the Equatorial Atlantic: Part I the influence of extension obliquity. Tectonophysics 753, 49-62. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2019.01.003
Wildman, M., D. Webster, Brown, D. Chardon, D. Rouby, J. Ye, D. Huyghe, M. Dall’Asta., 2019. Long-term evolution of the West African transform margin: estimates of denudation from Benin using apatite thermochronology. Journal of the Geological Society 176, 97-114. https://doi.org/10.1144/jgs2018-078.
Grimaud, J.L., D. Rouby, D. Chardon & A. Beauvais, 2018. Cenozoic sediment budget of West Africa and the Niger delta. Basin Research, 30, 169-186. https://doi.org/10.1111/bre.12248 OPEN ACCESS.
Chardon, D., Grimaud, J.L., Beauvais A., Bamba, O., 2018. West African lateritic pediments: landform-regolith evolution processes and mineral exploration pitfalls. Earth-Science Reviews 179, 124-146. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2018.02.00
Ye, J., D. Chardon, D. Rouby, F. Guillocheau, M. Dall’asta, J.N. Ferry & O. Broucke, 2017. Paleogeographic and structural evolution of northwestern Africa and its Atlantic margins since the early Mesozoic. Geosphere, 13(4), 1254-1284, doi:10.1130/GES01426.1.OPEN ACCESS
Bonnet, N.J., A. Beauvais, N. Arnaud, D. Chardon, M. Jayananda, 2016. Cenozoic lateritic weathering and erosion history of Peninsular India from 40Ar/39Ar dating of supergene K-Mn oxides. Chemical Geology, 446, 33-53.
Chardon, D., J.L. Grimaud, D. Rouby, A. Beauvais & F. Christophoul, 2016. Stabilization of large drainage basins over geological timescales: Cenozoic West Africa, hot spot swell growth and the Niger River. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 17, 1164-1181.
Beauvais, A., N.J. Bonnet, D. Chardon, N. Arnaud, M. Jayananda, 2016. Very long term stability of passive margin escarpment constrained by 40Ar/39Ar dating of K-Mn oxides. Geology, 44, 299-302.
Grimaud, J.L., D. Chardon, V. Metelka, A. Beauvais & O. Bamba, 2015. Neogene cratonic erosion fluxes and landform evolution processes from regional regolith mapping (Burkina Faso, West Africa). Geomorphology, 241, 315-330.
Grimaud, J.L., D. Chardon & A. Beauvais, 2014. Very long-term incision dynamics of big rivers. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 405, 74-84.
Bonnet, N.J., A. Beauvais, N. Arnaud, D. Chardon & M. Jayananda, 2014. First 40Ar/39Ar dating of intense Late Palaeogene lateritic weathering in Peninsular India. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 386, 126-137.
Beauvais, A. & D. Chardon, 2013. Modes, tempo and spatial variability of Cenozoic cratonic denudation: the West African example. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 14, 1590–1608.
Chardon,D.,V. Chevillotte, A. Beauvais, G. Grandin, & B. Boulangé, 2006. Planation, bauxites and epeirogeny: one or two paleosurfaces on the West African margin? Geomorphology, 32, 273-282.
Traoré, K., Chardon, D., Naba, S., Wane, O., Bouaré, M.L., 2022. Paleoproterozoic collision tectonics in West Africa : Insights into the geodynamics of continental growth. Precambrian Research 376, 106692. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2022.106692
Chardon, D., O. Bamba, K. Traoré, 2020. Eburnean deformation pattern of Burkina Faso and the tectonic significance of shear zones in the West African craton. BSGF – Earth Sciences Bulletin, 191, 2. https://doi.org/10.1051/bsgf/2020001 OPEN ACCESS
Bajolet, F., D. Chardon, J. Martinod, D. Gapais & J.-J. Kermarrec, 2015. Syn-convergence flow inside and at the margin of orogenic plateaus: lithospheric-scale experimental approach. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 120, 6634-6657.
Chardon D., M. Jayananda & J.-J. Peucat, 2011. Lateral constrictional flow of hot orogenic crust: Insights from the Neoarchean of South India, geological and geophysical implications for orogenic plateaux. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 12, article number Q02005, doi:10.1029/2010GC003398.
Chardon, D., D. Gapais & F. Cagnard, 2009. Flow of ultra-hot orogens: A view from the Precambrian, clues for the Phanerozoic. Tectonophysics, 477, 105-118.
Chardon, D., M. Jayananda, T.R.K. Chetty & J.-J. Peucat, 2008. Precambrian continental strain and shear zone patterns: South Indian Case. Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth, 113, article number B08402, doi:10.1029/2007JB005299.
Chardon, D.& M. Jayananda, 2008. Three-dimensional field perspective on deformation, flow, and growth of the lower continental crust (Dharwar craton, India). Tectonics, 27, article number TC1014, doi:10.1029/2007TC002120.
Andronicos, C., D.H. Chardon, L. S. Hollister, G. Gehrels & G. Woodsworth, 2003. Strain partitioning in an obliquely convergent orogen, plutonism, and synorogenic collapse: the Coast Mountains Batholith, British Columbia, Canada. Tectonics, 22 (2), article number 1012, doi: 1029/2001TC001312.
Chardon, D., 2003. Strain partitioning and batholith emplacement at the root of a transpressive magmatic arc. Journal of structural Geology, 25, 91-107.
Chardon, D., J.-J. Peucat, M. Jayananda, P. Choukroune, & C.M. Fanning, 2002. Archean granite-greenstone tectonics at Kolar (South India): interplay of diapirism and bulk inhomogenous shortening during juvenile magmatic accretion. Tectonics, 21 (3), article number 1016, doi: 10.1029/2001TC901032.
Andronicos, C.L., L.S. Hollister, C. Davidson &D. Chardon, 1999. Kinematics and tectonic significance of transpressive structures within the Central Gneiss Complex, British Columbia. Journal of Structural Geology, 21, 240-253.
Chardon, D., Andronicos, C.L. & L.S. Hollister, 1999. Large-scale transpressive shear zone patterns and displacements within magmatic arcs: the Coast Plutonic Complex, British Columbia. Tectonics, 18,278-292.
Choukroune, P., J.N. Ludden, D. Chardon, A. Calvert & H. Bouhallier, 1997. Archaean crustal growth and tectonic processes: a comparison between the Superior province, Canada and the Dharwar craton, India. Geological Society Special Publications, 121, 63-98.
Chardon, D. Aretz, M., Roques, D., 2020. Reappraisal of Variscan tectonics on the southern French Massif Central. Tectonophysics 787, article number 228477. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2020.228477
Cochelin, B, C. Gumiaux, D. Chardon, Y. Denèle, C. B. Le Bayon, 2018. Multi-scale strainfield analysis using geostatistics: Investigating the rheological behavior of the hot Variscan crust of the Pyrenees (Axial Zone). Journal of Structural Geology 116, 114–13. doi: 10.1016/j.jsg.2018.07.024
Cochelin, B., Chardon, D., Denèle, Y., Gumiaux, C., Le Bayon, B., 2017. Vertical strain partitioning in hot Variscan crust: Syn-convergence escape of the Pyrenees in the Iberian-Armorican syntax. BSGF – Earth Sciences Bulletin 188, article number 39. https://doi.org/10.1130/GES01426.1
Denèle, Y., D. Roques, J. Ganne, D. Chardon, S. Rousse & P. Barbey, 2017. Strike-slip metamorphic core complexes: Gneiss domes emplaced in releasing bends. Geology 45, 903-906. doi:10.1130/G39065.1.
Saïd, A., P. Baby, D. Chardon & J. Ouali, 2011. Structure, paleogeographic inheritance and deformation history of the southern Atlas foreland fold and thrust belt of Tunisia,Tectonics, 30, article number TC6004, doi:10.1029/2011TC002862.
Saïd, A, D. Chardon, P. Baby & J. Ouali, 2011. Active oblique ramp faulting in the Southern Tunisian Atlas.Tectonophysics, 499, 178-189.
Authemayou, C., O. Bellier, D. Chardon, L. Benedetti, Z. Malekzadeh, C. Claude, B. Angiletti, E. Shabanian & M.R. Abbassi, 2009. Quaternary slip rates of the Kazerun and the Main Recent Faults: active strike-slip partitioning in the Zagros fold and thrust belt. Geophysical Journal International, 178, 524-540.
Nguyen, F., S. Garambois,D. Chardon, D. Hermitte & O. Bellier, 2007. Subsurface imaging of anisotropic formations affected by a slow active reverse fault, Provence, France. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 62, 338-353.
Authemayou, C., D. Chardon, O. Bellier, Z. Malekzade, E. Shabanian & M. Abbassi, 2006. Late Cenozoic partitioning of oblique plate convergence in the Zagros fold-and-thrust belt (Iran). Tectonics, 25, article number TC3002, doi: 10.1029/2005TC001860.
Chardon, D., D. Hermitte, F. Nguyen & O. Bellier, 2005. First paleoseismological contraints on the strongest earthquake in France (Provence) in the 20th century. Geology, 33, 901-904.
Authemayou, C., O. Bellier, D. Chardon, Z. Malekzade & M. Abassi, 2005. Role of the Kazerun fault system in active deformation of the Zagros fold-and-thrust belt (Iran). Comptes Rendus Géoscience, 337, 539-545.
Chardon, D., O. Bellier & D. Hermitte, 2005. Réponse au commentaire de M. Mattauer à l’article : Cadre géologique du séisme de Lambesc du 11 juin 1909 (Provence, France). Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, 176, 122-123.
Guignard, P., O. Bellier & D. Chardon, 2005. Géométrie et cinématique post-oligocène des Failles d’Aix et de la Moyenne Durance (Provence, France). Comptes Rendus Géoscience, 337, 375-384.
Chardon, D. & O. Bellier, 2003. Geological boundary conditions of the 1909 Lambesc (Provence, France) earthquake: structure and evolution of the Trévaresse ridge anticline. Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, 174, 497-510.
Jayananda, M., D. Chardon, J.-J. Peucat, Tushipokla, & C.M. Fanning, 2015. Paleo- to Mesoarchean TTG accretion and continental growth in the western Dharwar craton, Southern India: constraints from SHRIMP U–Pb zircon geochronology, whole-rock geochemistry and Nd–Sr isotopes. Precambrian Research, 268, 295-322.
Jayananda, M., J.-J. Peucat, D. Chardon, B. Krishna Rao, C.M. Fanning & F. Corfu, 2013. Neoarchean greenstone volcanism and continental growth, Dharwar craton, south India: Constraints from zircon U-Pb geochronology and Nd isotopes. Precambrian Research, 227, 55-76.
Peucat, J.-J., M. Jayananda, D. Chardon, R. Capdevila, C. M. Fanning & J.-L. Paquette, 2013. The lower crust of the Dharwar Craton, south India: patchwork of Archean granulitic domains.Precambrian Research, 227,4-28.
Jayananda, M., D. Chardon, J.-J. Peucat & R. Capdevila, 2006. 2.61 Ga potassic granites and crustal reworking in the Western Dharwar craton (India): tectonic, geochronologic and geochemical constraints. Precambrian Research, 150, 1-26.
Chardon, D., P. Choukroune, & M. Jayananda, 1998. Sinking of the Dharwar basin (South India): implication for Archaean tectonics. Precambrian Research, 91, 15-39.
Chardon, D, P. Choukroune & M. Jayananda, 1996. Strain patterns, décollement and incipient sagducted greenstone terrains in South India. Journal of Structural Geology, 18, 991-1004.
Bouhallier, H., D. Chardon, & P. Choukroune, 1995. Strain patterns in Archaean dome-and-basin structures: the Dharwar craton (South India). Earth and Planetary Science Letter, 135, 57-75.
Chardon, D., J.A. Austin, G. Cabioch, B. Pelletier, S. Saustrup & F. Sage, 2008. Neogene history of the Northeastern New Caledonia continental margin from multichannel reflection seismic profiles. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 340, 68-73.
Chevillotte, V., D. Chardon, A. Beauvais, P. Maurizot & F. Colin, 2006. Long-term tropical morphogenesis of New Caledonia (Southwest Pacific): importance of positive epeirogeny and climate change. Geomorphology, 31, 361-375.
Chardon, D.& V. Chevillotte, 2006. Morphotectonic evolution of the New Caledonia ridge (Pacific Southwest) from post-obduction tectonosedimentary record. Tectonophysics, 420, 473-491.